We are happy to help you!
If you have any questions regarding our products, deliveries or if you are looking for something else do not hesitate to contact us at +46 46 - 71 26 40
or write an email to hiabclubshop@felestad.se
We are open from 08:00 to 17:00.

Felestad New Wave Profile

Head office

Visiting address:
Profilvägen 4, 246 43 Löddeköpinge

Postal address:
Box 11, 246 21 Löddeköpinge
Phone: +46 46 - 71 26 40
Email: hiabclubshop@felestad.se

Customer service

Phone: +46 46 - 71 26 40
Email: kundtjanst@felestad.se


Phone: +46 46 - 71 26 40
Email: web@felestad.se

Invoice inquiries

Phone: +46 46 - 71 26 40
Email: faktura@felestad.se